Sunday, December 12, 2010

Lists of Four

My homegirl over at Noble's Book tagged me in this fun little list of 4s.  I usually like to keep my lists to multiples of three's but that's because I'm moderately OCD.  Here we go:

1. Four shows that you watch:
one:  Gossip Girl
two:  Modern Family
three:  The Office
four: Parks and Recreation - this gem starts back up in January and I'm super excited about it.

2. Four things you are passionate about:
one:  My friends and family
two:  Laughing
three:  My blog, your blog, every one's blog.
four:  Being happy

3. Four words/phrases you say a lot:
one:  Fuck you
two:  Shut up
three:  Call 911
four:  OMG {I obviously need to broaden my vocabulary.  I talk like a junior high Jersey girl}

4. Four things you've learned from the past:
one:  Karma is a mother fucker.
two:  Life may suck but it always gets better
three:  Family is super important
four:  I have to straighten my hair if I want to have a short hair cut.  Mushroom heads aren't cool.

5. Four places you would like to go:
one:  Ireland
two:  India
three:  Japan
four:  Figi
6. Four things you did yesterday:  Side note - I should have done this yesterday because I did very little yesterday
one:  Watched ABC Family
two:  Watched Lifetime
three:  Babysat the world's most annoying family
four:  A little bit of grocery shopping

7. Four things you are looking forward to:
one:  Starry Nights on Wednesday
two:  tomorrow?
three:  the next day?
four:  the day after that?
8. Four things you love about Winter:
one:  Madonna Learning Center's Christmas program
two:  Starry nights with my aunt, cousin, momma and g-ma
three:  Snow
four:  Hazelnut Hot chocolate

9. Tag 4 people to play along:
Raquel @ Memphis Mama
Jill @ Just Doin What I Want
Andrea @ Happily Ever After
Robyn @ Espadrilles, Lamps and Lava Cake
Maggie @ Daydream Believing


Robyn said...

Like your lists! Thanks for tagging me. I'm on it.

amber lynn said...

oh man i like these questions, i just may have to do this one on my blog too. you had great answers too!